Elephant Seal Facts

The Best of the Best Resources...

The best way to learn about elephant seals is to just dive in and start absorbing whatever you can. These are the best of the best resources we’ve found to learn general facts about both northern and southern elephant seals...

Elephant Seal Action gives you a medley of elephant seal highlights in less than one minute! This is the quick start guide to the world of the elephant seal...

An excellent short documentary on the elephant seals...

Scads of facts from the elephant seal wiki

Facts about elephant seals from the Marine Mammal Center

Facts about elephant seals from the Monterey Bay Aquarium

Learn about elephant seal history

Many great shots of elephant seals in all aspects of life with a truly cheesy soundtrack...

Learn about TOPP, a research institute that sponsors the Tagging of Pacific Predators. Here you can watch digital elephant seal migration patterns as well as those of many other animals, and even download widgets that tell you where some individual and named elephant seals are at any time of day 24/7/365...

More elephant seal facts from a-z

Want to go on a big adventure? Study elephant seals abroad in their native habitat...

An hilarious accounting of True Facts about the Elephant Seal from the Stanford Neurosciences Program...

Catch a glimpse of elephant seals in action...

A must read article to understand the amazing physiological dynamics of the elephant seal as it dives...

More facts and details about elephant seals...

A very thorough rundown of virtually all dimensions of elephant seal life by the Encyclopedia of Life. Available in many languages.

A packet of children’s educational games on the elephant seal from the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta...

Go here to learn about seal conservation...

A cute video of a very cute and friendly baby southern elephant seal having its way with an innocent Antarctic expedition:

Some Specifics on Southern Elephant Seals


A little bit about southern elephant seals

A little bit more about southern elephant seals

Some terrific BBC footage of southern elephant seals. In these videos you can easily hear the differences in vocalization patterns dialects between northern and southern elephant seals. Also featured are great shots of catastrophic molt...

More words on the Southern elephant seal from the Aussies...

Animal Diversity Web gives a thorough discussion on the southern elephant seal...

Arkive’s site on the Southern elephant seal, with some great shots of elephant seal bulls kicking it with penguins, and amazing elephant seal birthing and nursing footage. Don’t miss the birds chowing down on the afterbirth!

Some Specifics on Northern Elephant Seals

An excellent short video documentary on Point Reyes elephant seals. The guide brings up an excellent topic on the synchrony of elephant seal migration toward the end...

Elephant Seals: Our Window to the Ocean does a beautiful job of telling the story of the Point Reyes and other northern elephant seals and about their important role as messengers from the deep...

Mysteries of Marine Biology- The Northern Elephant Seal contains many clips of elephant seal activities set to a chilling sci-fi soundtrack...

Northern Elephant Seals features a variety of angles on young elephant seal life. Pay attention to the amount of wind in this and other videos, this is what you will possibly endure when you go to visit...

An intimate guided tour through Ano Nuevo state park...

Facts about Northern elephant seals from the NOAA

An excellent pdf on the Northern elephant seals from the Point Reyes National Seashore

A very thorough information source on northern elephant seals from Animal Diversity Web

Some great close up pictures and videos of northern elephant seals at Arkive, with some really special focus on elephant seal pups...

Please visit store, where you’ll discover hundreds of elephant seal products that support Ocean Conservation Research! is your resource for all things elephant seal!


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